Abstracting and Indexing


INNSpub is an interdisciplinary journal, that publishes manuscripts, original research and review articles, mini-reviews and short communication from all disciplines of Biological Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences and allied sciences like Medicine, Nursing, Health Science, and Agriculture etc. Open Access Research Journal of INNSpub is intended to be abstracted and indexed in various International and National databases as listed below:

Google Scholar, Internet Archive, Scribed, Computer Science Directory, Indian Citation, Index, SciSeek, Academia, Scientific Commons, Science Directory, Indian Science, geCited, Science Central, Microsoft Academic Search, Research Bible, WikiCFP, Mendeley, DocStoc, iScience, DRIJ, SlideShare, ResearcherID

Journals published by INNSpub are included in the leading abstracting and indexing services, including ISI, DOAJ and Scopus. Extensive reference linking via services such as Crossref, and DOI (digital object identifier) numbers, provide seamless online linking between articles and databases.

The following list of the Abstracting and Indexing databases covers one or more of the journals published by the International Network for Natural Sciences. A list of the journals indexed by any particular database can be viewed by clicking the link for that database below.

● IJB: Thomson Reuters, Zoological Records, Crossref, DOAJ, CAB abstracts, CABJ

● JBES: Thomson Reuters, Zoological Records, ResearchBiB, CABJ, Index Copernicus

● IJAAR: Index Copernicus, ISI, DRJI, CABJ, IISS

● IJBB: Research Gate, Journal Seek, Scribd, Index Copernicus, DOAJ, Science Central, DRJI

● IJMM: Science Central, Scribd, Research Gate, Journal Seek, Index Copernicus, DOAJ,  Uifactor, DRJI

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